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Online coaching (new)
The Perth Cricket Academy now offers a brand new way of coaching...via your mobile phone!
Send in a short clip of your batting and/or bowling and have it analysed by our high performance and elite coaches within a matter of days. The coaches provide you with personal and basic practical feedback so that you can keep improving your game in your own training setting and at your pace! 
How does it work?
Step 1:  
You decide that you want to get better at batting and/or bowling
Step 2:
Purchase the desired amount of mobile video reviews
Step 3: 
Check out the instruction page and send through your video straight away
Step 4:
We will reply via WhatsApp with the request to send through your batting or bowling video
Step 5:
After you've send through your video our coaches review and provide you with practical feedback
Step 6:
Start practising your skills with the feedback provided
For more information, please contact the Perth Cricket Academy via email.
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